


we are currently testing the lcg-2.2.0 installation at Brookahven National
Lab. When running
"edg-job-list-match -debug -vo dteam testJob.jdl" as instructed in Appendix
F of the Installation Manual,
it fails with the error message listed at the end of this note. We are not
sure what causes this behavior
but we noticed that in the post-installation configuration of the CE node
(see section 6.4) it is instructed
to move VO-NAME.ldif files to VO-NAME.list files inside the
/opt/edg/var/info/VO-NAME directory.
However, we could not find any .ldif files in the above mentioned directory.
Could this be related to
the error message below ? Thanks.

Edward Nicolescu

--------------------------------------------- error message

[testuser@lcg-ui01 bin]$  edg-job-list-match --debug --vo atlas testJob.jdl

#### Debug Message ####
Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): atlas
VOMS configuration file successfully loaded:
  MyProxyServer = "";
  LBAddresses = "";
  VirtualOrganisation = "atlas";
  NSAddresses = ""
#### End Debug ####

**** Warning: UI_NO_VOMS ****
VOMS format error

#### Debug API #### - The function 'NSClient::init' has been called with the
following parameter(s):
>> 7772
>> 0
#### End Debug ####

#### Debug API #### - The function 'NSClient::multi' has been called (it
doesn't require any parameter)

Connecting to host, port 7772
#### Debug API #### - The function 'JobAd::checkMultiAttribute' has been
called with the following parameter(s):
>> ('GlueServiceAccessPointURL', 'GlueServiceAccessControlRule',
'GlueServiceInformationServiceURL', 'GlueChunkKey', 'GlueForeignKey',
'GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule', 'GlueClusterService', 'GlueHostService',
'GlueHostLocalFileSystemClient', 'GlueHostRemoteFileSystemServer',
'GlueCESEBindGroupSEUniqueID', 'GlueSEHostingSL', 'GlueSEType',
'GlueSEAccessProtocolSupportedSecurity', 'GlueSLService',
'GlueSLLocalFileSystemClient', 'GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule')
#### End Debug ####

#### Debug API #### - The function 'NSClient::listJobMatch' has been called
with the following parameter(s):
>> [ requirements = ( other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production" ); RetryCount
= 3; MyProxyServer = ""; JobType = "normal";
Executable = ""; StdOutput = "testJob.out"; OutputSandbox = {
"testJob.out","testJob.err" }; VirtualOrganisation = "atlas"; rank =
-other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; Type = "job"; StdError =
"testJob.err"; DefaultRank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime;
InputSandbox = { "/home/testuser/bin/" } ]
#### End Debug ####

===================== edg-job-list-match failure ======================
 No Computing Element matching your job requirements has been found!

                           *** Log file created ***
Possible Errors and Debug messages have been printed in the following file: