

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Alessandra Forti wrote:

> it is obviously up to the experiment to chose...

Er, the allegedly current LCG user guidelines

clearly state in section 5.8 that users shall "use their account for the
sole purpose for which it was granted".

I'm not sure how running jobs for (arbitrary?) end-users is the same
purpose as software package maintenance.

Of course, said guidelines also only refer to LCG-1, and don't refer to
"software managers" at all... Where are "experiment software managers'"
privileges defined anyway (I think I once saw something but I'm having
trouble with the web from my laptop)?
I'm not totally worried about which way this is resolved, as long as it's
made clear.

> It's just good practice to
> keep separated the software manager user and the production ones. If not
> for anything else they have different unix privileges on the software
> area.

Pragmatically, if the ESM is essentially doing an edg-job-submit on data
sets they know, then I'm not too worried. On the other hand, if this is
data sets and control files uploaded by any user through a portal
somewhere then I don't think it's the way to go - I'm sure it's possible
to subvert things like Orca/Cobra to run arbitrary code, and even if not
it would still be contrary to the spirit of the agreement above.

Henry "I've won a pair of concrete boots? And a diving holiday?" Nebrensky

Dr. Henry Nebrensky                     [log in to unmask]
"The opossum is a very sophisticated animal.
 It doesn't even get up until 5 or 6 p.m."