

At the upcoming joint assembly of the AGU-CGU-SEG, in May, in Montréal, there will be a Special Session devoted to Archean Geodynamic Processes. A description of the session is included here. Jean-Claude Mareschal and I are hoping that many of you will attend the session, and perhaps submit an abstract to it.

The AGU deadline for ONLINE abstract submissions is 19 February. See you in Montréal!

The fundamental nature of Archean geodynamics continues to be a subject of much debate. It is a debate of great interest because a large proportion of the continental masses was accreted during the Archean, and also because Archean cratons are amongst the principal reservoirs of many of Earth's mineral deposits.The session aims to investigate important geodynamic processes involved in the formation and evolution of the continents throughout the Archean. Contributions are sought from petrologists, geophysicists, geodynamicists, tectonicists and modelers that will further our understanding of magmatic, tectonic and mineral deposit forming processes that shaped the early continents. Amongst the topics of great interest are the differentiation of the continents, the role of the secular cooling of the Earth in the evolution of geodynamic and tectonic processes, and the effects of metamorphism and fluids on crustal evolution and the genesis of ore deposits.

Keith Benn, Associate professor
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa
140 Pasteur Street, Ottawa, ON K1N6N5, Canada
office tel: +1-613-562-5800 x6858
lab tel: +1-613-562-5800 x6833
dept fax:  +1-613-562-5192