

>Hi Bernardo,                                            1/28/04
>Quite likely, almost all of the metapelite migmatite papers published
>on New England localities involve rocks containing graphite that was
>derived from organic material in the original sedimentary shales.
>Almost certainly that's true in Maine.
>The few possible exceptions about which I am aware might be like
>those described in an old NEIGC guidebook paper by Rumble and
>Chamberlain -- and these are rather small localized occurrences of
>graphite that was probably re-precipitated after dissolution of
>originally organic carbon.
>So, in my opinion, merely add to your list of references all of the New
>England migmatite papers.

Hi Charlie, could you please give me just one "representative"
reference?, I've gathered many examples of graphitic granulites and
migmatites, and I need to shrink the number of refs.

I hope you're well!
Well we see in Florence?


Bernardo Cesare
Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Universita' di Padova
Corso Garibaldi, 37, I-35137 PADOVA     ITALY
Tel: ++39-049-8272019   Fax: ++39-049-8272010
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