

At 12:11 24/02/2004 +0100, Michel Dojat wrote:
>Dear Stephen,
>just for info
>after installing dc (saved from the textview of Mozilla)  fsl works on 
>Mandrake 9.2 (great !)
>(I do not know what really dc does but it appears as magic !)

This might be off the planet but "man dc" reveals...

Dc  is  a  reverse-polish  desk  calculator which supports
        unlimited precision arithmetic.  It  also  allows  you  to
        define  and call macros.  Normally dc reads from the stan­
        dard input; if any command arguments are given to it, they
        are  filenames,  and dc reads and executes the contents of
        the files before reading from standard input.  All  normal
        output is to standard output; all error output is to stan­
        dard error.
