

I am using custom 3-column text files to specify EVs.  I have the files
named the same and placed in the same location for each subject (custom
files for each subject).  My understanding is that if I specified
multiple analyses that the originally specified 3-column text files
would be used for all subjects (which I do not want).  It would thus
appear that I need to run each analysis seperately.  Is this correct?
And if so,  is there a way to easily batch these analyses?  I've noted
the previous email to the listserv:

but I'm not exactly sure how to edit the first portion of the script, as
I am a novice w/unix.  I have analyzed 1 subject using the GUI.  I tried
copying and pasting the design.fsf file to a new subj dir, and find/
replace the subject dir (everything else is named consistently across
Ss) in the design.fsf, and executed this file, but I recieve an error
message "./design.fsf line 3:  syntax error near unexpected token (."

Any advice/suggestions on how to complete multiple analyses with unique
3 column custom files for each subject would be appreciated.
Scott Hayes