

I'm attempting to complete a lower level analysis using a basis set generated from Make_flobs, but the thresholded activation images are not being written. Other processes (MC, Melodic, and Registration) appear to have worked correctly.  When I use the default FLOBS hrfbasisfns.txt file, thresholded activation maps are generated.  I've changed the permissions on the hrfbasisfns.txt file so that they match those of the default FLOBS file (default had a+rw, the hrfbasisfn.txt I generated had a+r), and
double-checked the file path, but received the same error message.

When I initially encountered the error message (copied below) in the report.log file, I thought it was due to my failure to change the default output type of FSL to ANALYZE (my input images are ANALYZE format).  However, after changing the output format to ANALYZE in fsl.csh,and processing the data again, I received the same error message (and again, everything worked well when the default FLOBS hrfbasisfns.txt was specified). In addition, the output files in the stats directory appear to be in nifti format (e.g., pe15.nii.gz)?

I couldn't attach the output from errorreport, as the file is 64k (listserv
max=50).  I'm working on a Linux machine, FSL 3.2.

Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated.


/usr/local/bin/fsl/bin/contrast_mgr -f design.fts stats design.con
** ERROR: nifti_image_read(stats/corrections): can't open header file
** ERROR: nifti_image_open(stats/corrections): bad header info
Error: failed to open file stats/corrections
Error:: FslGetDim: Null pointer passed for FSLIO
Rendering using zmin=2.3 zmax=8