

I had already a conversation on this list in Jan-Feb 2002 on this topic, but
I cannot reconstruct the whole thing, so I wonder if someone could jog my

I am trying to register a single slice T1 weighted image to a single slice
T2 weighted image. I am using FSL v3.1 with FLIRT v5.0 (2D rigid body) on a
linux redhat 8 system.

I think I am not running the latest version of FLIRT because of a problem of
incompatibility with my operating system.

When I try running the registration I get a very odd image as the output
(something that looks like 3 blobs rather than the axial brain image I
started from) regardless of the cost function I use.

Any idea as to why I get these strange results?

Stefano Marenco, MD

GCAP, Clinical Brain Disorders Branch,


10 Center Drive, room 4S235

Bethesda, MD 20892

tel. (301) 435-8964

fax. (301) 480-7795

email:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]