

We are trying to work through a set of data with freesurfer but find that we are stuck at the initial step of conversion. I am certain that there is something small we are missing, and would appreciate any suggestions. Our input images are raw from our 1.5 T GE LX system and we want to rewrite them as COR . We set up the directories mri/orig within orig we have 3 dirs each containing a 124 slice spgr: 001 002 003 Running mri_convert from the command line in the mri directory, we have tried: 1. mri_convert 001/I.001 as per the tutorial, but it wants an output file name 2. mri_convert 001/I.001 data1 but it wants an output format after looking at the various options we tried: 3. mri_convert -ot cor 001/I.001 data1 it runs but is not actualy doing the conversion Also, when I tried this from the gui it does not obtain the header info., which I am guessing is diagnostic. When the data comes off our scanner there is a header included in the main directory (e.g.,SHDR.05192) that refers to the exam. There is also a header in the anatomical series directory, in this case "002" (e.g., SERHDR.002) Thanks in advance for any help.