

>From: Mikal Howard <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Derrida
>Date: Mon, Dec 6, 2004, 2:26 pm

> to HELL  with Plato and his cold hearted philosophy.
> plato is just Scrooge, justifying a tightfisted attitude
> with all the warmpth and caring of a cold skeletal hand.

Mikal, the main problem, as I see it, with reading Plato nowadays is that to
a large extent his thinking has been transmitted down to us as interpreted
(they might call it 'translated') by the (neo)Platonists; so much so that we
now feel no need to think Plato at all, we just toss out Platonist nonsense
as if that were Plato-cum-Socrates its self; this, along with equally
unthinking summaries of the so-called pre-socratics (Heraclitus, Parmenides,
Anaximander, et al) by philosophy departmentalised nonthinking drones; one
even finds this sort of tosh distributed by the likes of Nietzsche (who at
least has some excuse...) whereupon, say, Heraclitus ('everything changes',
'being is flux is becoming' etc) and Parmenides ('being cannot change', etc)
are viewed as opposites even antagonists [what tosh!]. The problem is one of
modernist sedimentation and the taking of the easy way out and not even
trying to close-read the originals. Read Derrida, read Heidegger, but most
of all -- read Plato!



Michael Pennamacoor
tel: 01304 617626
fax: 0870 163 8935
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