

of classical philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, Buddha,
"Lao'zi" and others.  many voices that could have had
great insight god under the rug and remain there.  Xeno
of Citium who's that?  yet paradoxes about and american
government seems to mrach up a Sisyphean hill.  better
could be done, but ancient lies profound and difficult
to unravel predominate.

leaving me contemplating the end of Raiders of the Lost
Ark.  the answer -- meaning 'the answer", the divine
gift, the elixir, could be in a vault somewhere
protected from being shared with humanityI adore
spielberg, i think many of his best tricks get lost in
the details.  shooting stars alluding to magic.

the irony of Plato's republic!
Poets Lie.  Democracy Leads to Mob rule. a man said
this!  Just a man!  His biased statements early in the
developmemnt of pjhilosophy stun millions with their
hidden deceptiveness. Virginal Woolf and Sylvia many other dead poets?> the infulence of
Platonist -- even the word "Platonic" carries all the
ennui and angst of feelings shoved down in favor of
pleasing The Neighbors, squashed feelings that were
sincere...Plato is a nightmare.

Deleuze said that the whole goal of philosophy was to
stop Plato at all costs (a paraphrase).  I go a step
deeper and say that phiosophy has made an icon of a man
who basically fawned for the crowned heads of
brutality...and then they presented his philosophy as
the best. Reductio ad absurdem...look at the world
Plato's Republic has given us.

where's the joy!  it's an embarassment of riches --
Dobald Trump can't take it with him.  I find a greater
philosopher in the author of the Gospel of Mark, who
asked what if one gain the whole world or lose his soul?

I like THAT  Guy. if someone could go back in time and
replace Plato with the Gospel writer of the Markan
exegesis we'd all potentially be a LOT  more happy

what does Republic give us?  NIXON and the threat of
nuclear war, always looming, making us spinless cowards.
 It;s not conscience that makes cowards of us all -- it
is the fear of the Nuclear state. Even high ranking
egenerals fear the ordrs  of the commanders in chief --
but their hands tied by tradition (so it would seem)
they "just follow orders".  such orders are ordure, they
come from a pit of stink that i call Platonic

reductio ad absurdem...plato said that poets lie so that
he could tell some stinking whoppers right to Aristotle,
Socrates and let;s not forget -- the future.  Plato is
still lying to us, and Ginsberg didn't like his
attitude.  Ginsberg was truthful  Woolf, divinely
inspired.  She dide hearing "voices in her head," from

to HELL  with Plato and his cold hearted philosophy.
plato is just Scrooge, justifying a tightfisted attitude
with all the warmpth and caring of a cold skeletal hand.

"Plato"? christ...why they called it "hellas"

i admire other philosophers of that age -- and their
contribution is the core of our work as film
philosophers, artists, cinematographers, students --
whatever we do we have to grapple with plato as Jacob
wrestled his angel. Each day as we consider filmic art.


the edge of everything.  no, really.
save the world?

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