

Dear All,

Glad to be in touch with you all again! I hope your
holidays went well and you're ready for the

I sent a message to the mailing list over the
Christmas holidays concerning the elections for a new
student volunteer (yup, my 2 years are over!). 
Much to my dismay I was told right before I left on a
2 month trip that for some reason it hadn't gotten
Thankfully the Council members mentioned it in one of
theire messages to the membership and it's been posted
on the main web page. So if you've been paying
attention to what's going on in the Society you know
someone new gets to come in this year and continue my

If you’re interested in the position, you might want
further details on what the duties of the student
representative are…

According to ECS Constitution:
“A student member will be chosen by the students from
the student membership, to serve for a two-year
period, with the possibility of re-election for
another two years.”

And on the ECS student web pages:
“The Student member on the Council has the status of a
full member, not confined to commenting on student
issues. The role of the student representative was
agreed to be, as a minimum, to attend the ECS Council
and represent the interests of students. To this can
be added any activities that further the interests of
student members of ECS or increase student

In other words, the duty of the Student Representative
is to serve as an intermediary between the student
members of the society and the Council where he/she is
a full member and is the students’ voice. Am I making
any sense here? Must be the end of the year… I need to
recharge my batteries and start afresh!

Basically, the student representative must attend the
Council meetings, one of which takes place during or
at the beginning of the yearly Conference, and the
other approximately 6 months before the next
Conference (in the city where that Conference will
take place). On top of this we have the following:
        Organising the student workshop for the conference
and recruiting and coordinating volunteers
        Keeping the web pages up to date
        Informing the student members of any news/data that
could interest them through the mailing list
        And anything else you can think of that would help
your fellow students!

How do you become a candidate?

Just send me an e-mail and tell me! 
Get some material together and send me a file (short
paragraph) on yourself with what you do, your
interests, what you’d like to do as student
representative, a photo… and we’ll put them up on the
student web-pages (if you want you can also give me a
link to a personal page of yours). 
You’ll also have to prepare an A4 page with this info
that we’ll put up on the bulletin board at the

During the Annual Student Meeting the candidates will
present themselves to the student body. Elections will
take place at the end of the Society’s AGM, Wednesday
afternoon at the end of the conference.

If you have any specific questions about this feel
free to ask me. PLus we can get together and discuss
it more at the conference. 

All the best,
Cristina Beans
ECS-student representative

Cristina Beans
PhD student
Laboratoire d'Oceanologie
Université de Liège, B-6 Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liège, BELGIUM

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