

FW: classroom provision

I have been asked to look at classroom provision for disabled students in the university- including IT labs, lecture theatres etc (i.e places with & without current standard student IT provision)

We want to be able to provide disabled students with the IT facilities they need, in terms of teaching & learning in all the environments they use.

Some points to consider:

how could a person with some sight view a power-point presentation on the overhead screen at the front of a lecture theatre. Could we wire a PC monitor to a study space in  the lecture theatre which they could sit at, so the screen was near enough for them to watch the teaching etc as it was happening.  Does anyone use WI-FI or Bluetooth in combination with laptops to achieve this.

Does anyone have laptops they loan out to students with specialist software on for use in teaching sessions? Are they connected to the network? Are the students allowed to connect their own PCs to the network?  How do they connect to the network - bluetooth, Wi-Fi

Can they access  a range of monitors / keyboards / mice in labs? Can these items be installed in lecture theatres / classrooms which didn't have general IT provision ?

Do you have induction loops?

We just would like to know if anyone else is also looking in to this type of provision.

Thanks all
Susan Smith

Susan A. Smith
Learning Support Officer (Disability & Dyslexia) 
Room 316a
City Campus Learning Centre
Leeds Metropolitan University
0113 2832600 Ext.  3287
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