

Could I please have some examples of forms that students fill in before going on any off site activity, this could be field trips, trips abroad, days out etc.
Historically our subject areas that have had field trips as a regular part of their courses have managed well but with team building activities off site being a part of more and more courses it is important that we have a system in place.  Our Health and Safety officer is involved and has drafted a form but we know we have to be careful with what information we are asking and why as it  would be rare when we would not be allowing a student to take part in an activity.  We are not talking about discriminating here but safety, for example trekking in the Alps in you had a serious heart condition etc.   Unless we are going to do anything with the info do we need to collect it? I am interested in organisers obtaining info on accommodation, toiletting, care needs etc but these would hopefully be picked up earlier as part of a students Learning Support Plan.  Note that some of our students could go on a weeks field trip within 3 weeks of starting College.
Do any of you have disclaimers that students sign?  What if a student wants to take part in canoeing, rock climbing etc and you feel it is not advisable?. Who makes the final decision?  Course leader, College Nurse, Support Service, student, college lawyers, outdoor instructor...... as ultimately it would be the institution facing  claims of discrimination.
Any forms, procedures, guidelines greatfully received. 
Many thanks

Sheila Watts
Head of Support Service for students with disabilities
Liverpool Hope University College
Hope Park
L16 9JD
Tel/Minicom  0151-291-3064
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