

We had our first student who had similar needs-personal care and someone to turn her at night. This was an International Student, but normally Social Services deals with care needs. We used a local agency for care needs and support workers for night care. I am happy to send you more details and/or speak to you, although there are other institutions who have much more experience. From us you would get the novices guide! Liz Maynard


-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for disabled students and their support staff. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Emma Kelly
Sent: 05 March 2004 12:35
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Wheelchair user living in Halls of Residence


Dear All


We have been contacted be a prospective student who is hoping to come and study at our University this September. The student is a wheelchair user (brittle bone syndrome), with little upper body strength and considerable personal care needs. They are 25 and have always lived at home, with all their care needs met by a family member. To date we have not had a student with such significant needs wishing to reside in our halls of residence. We have a number of wheelchair users with as significant needs studying at Queen's and we are able to meet all of their needs, though they do all live at home.


The student is going to require a full time PA during the day, which we will have no problem sourcing and paying for (DSA), however I am concerned about the personal care needs for the student and who is responsible for this. As far as I am aware, DSA does not cover the cost of personal care outside the normal academic day (mon - fri, 9 -5pm), therefore where will the money come from the pay for a carer to meet personal care needs. Is this the local trust? Who's responsibility is it to organise this - us or the trust? I have many questions regarding this and I was just wondering if anyone has had experience of putting such a package of care in place for a student with a significant physical disability? Some of the issues are:


1. The student will require an emergency alarm in their room - who will be on call for this?

2. If Halls of residence  or other staff require lifting & handling training, who would provide this and cover the costs

3. The student details that they require a bath rather than a shower for medical reasons - none of our rooms have a bath. They wish a bath to be built - is this reasonable? Who pays for it?

4. Where does the duty of care lie - with the Institution or the trust.


I would greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts/advice on this please (NB - we do not have SENDA in Northern Ireland yet).


Many thanks




Emma Kelly
Disability Projects Officer
Disability Services
Queen's University Belfast
028 9027 3225
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