

Hi Ekaterina,

I will see if I can find something like this for you

Lorraine Froehlich
Steller Technology UK
European Sales & Marketing Representative
+0044(0)1707 266 808
-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for disabled students and their support staff.
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of E.Barakhta
Sent: 14 June 2004 15:26
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Infra-red device to transfer handwriting into PDF?

Hi everyone,
there is a student who is looking for a device that would transfer his
hand-writing into electronic text. It has to be light/portable as he
intends to attend tutorials with it. He knows everything about pocket
PC, tablet PC and Logitec mouse. For different reasons these devices do
not apply. He heard about some sort of infra-red device that  can be
attached to the standard paper and the text that you write with a
standard pen is then transfered into electronic format. He does not
remember the name of a manufacturer or something that might help. Do you
have any idea what that might be?
Thanks a lot.
Ekaterina Barakhta
Development Officer
Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes