-------- Original Message --------

From: NAPW2004 <[log in to unmask]>

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Below is a formal invitation to host the North American Productivity Workshop in 2006.  The invitation is on behalf of the Advisory Board to NAPW2004.  While we are asking you to send the applications to us, we will only coordinate the process as the final decision will be made by the full Board.  Please note that the Deadline for applications is December 1, 2004.

You will see, of course, that the invitation has gone to about 1,000 e-mail addresses, many of which belong to people who are not resident in North America.  However, some do work there and some take Research Leaves (Sabbaticals) at the right time and may want to participate.  While the venue must be in North America, some of the organizing committee can be from anywhere else - as is the Advisory Board.  If you need any information before submitting the application, please contact us, we will be glad to help.

In any case, please take the time to decide if you are ready to do this.  It is a great experience!

Best regards to all,

Mette Asmild and Joe Paradi

Invitation to Host the North American Productivity Workshop is 2006


Toronto was a great success with 170 attendees from 32 Countries.  One very prominent researcher said:

"I have no word to express my thanks to you both and to your team.  The Workshop was the best one I have ever attended.  Certainly, DEA has grown up to a method of choice for knowledgeable community.  Your contributions are great."

While the above is flattering to us, the main point is that NAPW and EWEPAs have grown to be among the best small conferences anywhere. 


But now that NAPW2004 is behind us, we need to select a site for the 2006 North American Productivity Workshop.  Traditionally, the Advisory Committee for the previous Workshop selects the hosts for the next event.  At a meeting of the Board, the following criteria were approved against which applicants will be evaluated.  So please take the time to prepare an application to host the next one providing a brief writeup addressing the following points so that we can select the best venue for NAPW2006.  We will provide all the help we can from website to forms and processes - just ask. The Deadline is December 1, 2004.


Host organizations

        - Individual organizers' names and affiliation

        - Past hosting experience if yes, when, where and what?

        - Thoughts on how to get both OR and Economics folks involved

        - Will student day be planned?



        - travel issues (nearest airport) if any


Proposed and alternate dates:


Workshop theme if any:


Approximate cost of attendance:

        - approximate cost of the conference per/person (registration fees + extras)

        - approximate hotel costs per night and per week.

        - arrangements for student accommodations


Potential/Expected sponsors:


Desire/permission to publish a special Journal issue from the conference's best papers.


Free text explaining whatever the proposed organizers are planning on doing.


Please send all Applications to Mette Asmild ([log in to unmask]) and/or Joe Paradi ([log in to unmask]) Co-Hosts for the NAPW2004.  All applications will be carefully evaluated by the Advisory Committee to NAPW2004 (for members see website: http://www.cmte.utoronto.ca/~napw2004/AdvisoryBoard.htm )