

** Reply to note from Edwina Withe <[log in to unmask]>         Thu, 8 Jul 2004 16:07:23 +0100

> I know it's not yet Friday afternoon,  but I can feel a "rant" coming on
> ........................
> Unfortunately, society places a higher value on footballers and M&S
> Executives, rather than paying a bit more to social workers, policemen,
> teachers, firefighters, nurses .....and ......  of course
> ..........records managers :-)
> ......... but strange that we don't see low paid public sector senior
> management/directors jobs advertised (salaries of £60K - £120K are
> pretty much "normal")

OK.  Friday then.

Did you not know that executives are a different species to plebs?  Tch tch tch.

In ortder to attract senior executives you have to pay them handsomely, pay them
a nice welcome fee (golden hello?) and pay an even bigger (golden good bye
fee).  And this gets done even when  they have completely f@cked up.  You see,
that way you get the *best out of people* ie, by rewarding them appropriately in
success and in failure (so they don't get demoralised) Their very large earnings
increase their willingness even more to do even better (or to err more oten so they
get more handouts).

Whilst plebs are a different species.  If they are highly rewarded they will
work less because they have no ambition, no drive, vision etc. They (plebs) will
spend ALL their time having holidays in Spain and - don't forget - they also take
sickies. So, the less money plebs earn the harder they work and when they f@ck
up (human after all) they get a kick up the a@@e.

Please excuse my @ signs.  My limited vovabulary lets me down today.

As far as footballers go - I will pass no comment  - apart from ...
st@ff the BBC and ITV celebrity guests.  Not that I have any connection with the
team that won the European championship.  EXTREMELY  LARGE GRIN

So there .... hope you are much wiser now ... and hope you understand why your
earings are not as high as you would like them to be.

Next question?

Charles :-)

Charles Christacopoulos, Management Information Officer,
Planning & Information, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN,
Scotland, United Kingdom. Tel: 44(0)1382-344891. Fax: 44(0)1382-348845. ::egothor

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