

Tim Trent wrote:

>That settles it, Charles.  Barking mad!  Or is that sensitive data?
>The alleged marketing consultant.  Hmm.  Sounds like a very naïve ploy to
>obtain email addresses etc to sell to spam.  I suggest an official complaint
>would be in order.  Aberdeen and Dundee are so similar, aren’t they?
>Perhaps he wants to have his cake and eat it?
I should have said more ... the consultant appears to work for a "bricks and mortar" firm of biotechnology products.  So the firm is going to use data for its "own" purposes.  The request is not from an independent firm on a fishing   trip.  If you are correct then they are targeting our bio...related staff (the area of academic activity where the university and probably the country in total shows the highest level of expenditure in goods, services etc).

It is the 2nd similar request I had in the last 5 days.

I need to have an email with a brick in it.  Is this possible?


ps. One thought is to feed in the spreadsheet 2-3 names from the ICO office.  Will the fall for it?

Charles Christacopoulos, Management Information Officer,
Planning & Information, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN,
Scotland, United Kingdom. Tel: 44(0)1382-344891. Fax: 44(0)1382-348845.  :: egothor

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