


I have recently upgraded from Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B to 6.6C, and
it's now giving me a new exciting warning which I don't understand.

The following program,

PROGRAM test_I8p8_prog
PRINT '(I8.8)', 13
END PROGRAM test_I8p8_prog

generates this warning,

C:\PhD\Fem\f90\test_I8p8_project\test_I8p8_prog.f90(5) : Warning: The
field width is too small for the number of fractional digits.   [8]
PRINT '(I8.8)', 13

Further experimentation shows that for an integer format Ia.b, it gives
the warning only if b>=a-2. I thought that 'a' was the field width, and
that 'b' specifies that the integer should be padded to 'b' digits with
zeros. I guessed (never I good thing, I know) that the only restriction
would be b<=a for positive numbers, and b<=a-1  for negative numbers
where you need an extra digit free in the field for the minus sign.

However, I don't know what a fractional digit is, and so don't
understand the warning. Would someone be able to shed some light on this
for me please?



Dr. Paul Suckling
School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B152TT, U.K.
+44(0)121 4148129