

--On Monday, June 7, 2004 8:28 PM +0200 Drew McCormack
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Incidentally, I have seen so many of these errors in f90 compilers over
> the years. Anytime you pass an array slice, or an array pointer, or
> some f90 array construction to an implicit interface "f77" function,
> grief is not far away.

I recall being shocked that this actually worked at all when I first
ran into it.  I was trying to track down a performance problem that
turned out to be the copy-in/copy-out.  Once I found that was the
problem, I realized what I was asking it to do.  It had never occurred
to me that a compiler would do copy-in/copy-out to make such a thing

I still mostly regard it as a hack for compatibility purposes.

Richard Maine                |  Good judgment comes from experience;
[log in to unmask]       |  experience comes from bad judgment.
                             |        -- Mark Twain