

Aleksandar Donev wrote:

> Yes, it is, the compiler ought to make a contiguous copy and pass it
> on.
I got some questions off-line about this. I think in this case quoting
the F2003 draft is best, since it is relatively clearly written:

18An actual argument that represents an element sequence and corresponds
to a dummy argument that is
19an array is sequence associated with the dummy argument if the dummy
argument is an explicit-shape
20or assumed-size array. The rank and shape of the actual argument need
not agree with the rank and
21shape of the dummy argument, but the number of elements in the dummy
argument shall not exceed
22the number of elements in the element sequence of the actual argument.
If the dummy argument is
23assumed-size, the number of elements in the dummy argument is exactly
the number of elements in the
24element sequence.
