

On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 11:36:44AM -0400, Aleksandar Donev wrote:

> And to illustrate that this is not a stupid question as you say, the
> following program for example crashes with the Intel compiler, and you
> say it should not. Only Absoft of the compilers I have to try actually
> detects a stride of 2 at runtime---the rest pretend all was OK. So
> there is obviously differences in interpretation here.

Or it could simply be a bug. Not everything is intentional.

PathScale's compiler gets what I think is the right answer, and so
probably all CraySoft-front-end-derived compilers do, too:

[lindahl@eng-05 lindahl]$ pathf90 dealloc.f90
[lindahl@eng-05 lindahl]$ ./a.out
1 1000
1 1000 1
[lindahl@eng-05 lindahl]$ ./a.out
1 1000
1 1000 2

lib-4422 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  A DEALLOCATE statement argument points to a portion of the
 original allocation.
  Original size in bytes for the argument is 32000
  Current size in bytes for the argument is 16000

-- greg