

I've been asked to develop a course on Religion and Civil Society which I
have called "Black Women, The Workings of the Spirit and the Literary
imagination." I have a good enough handle on the literary end of things but
I am less schooled in the most recent, respected work on Liberation
Theology, and Religion-in/and "Globalization."  I know some folks like
Dussell, Freire, Cohn and Oduyaye. But I wondered if others more schooled in
these areas could suggest current work that is understood to be central to
contemporary debates on religion-under globalization and liberation
theology, particularly as these relate to feminocentric lifeworlds. Many
thanks in advance.

Walk Good--Joe

Joseph N. Clarke
Assistant Professor of Postcolonial
Literatures in English
The University of Pennsylvania
English Department
3600 Market Street
Philadelphia PA 19104