Dear All
May I suggest that this List centres on poetry and spheres related to poetry? Personal exchanges, I humbly suggest, are for a chat room rather than a Poetry & Irish Poetry List shared by very many across the globe. We have new members to the List, together with a vibrant array of poets across the world.
I want to publicise the List to expand it - so that we are all sharing in a rich diversity of approaches to poetry and views (about poetry). When a discussion takes place about a subject centred on poetry, fine, and thereby new poets, people interested in poetry of all kinds, join the List. When exchanges are personal and run away from poetry, people leave the List.
Some years ago, living in North London, neighbours to me decided that their house had no windows, so the couple ate dinner in their bay window naked, in some intimacy, oblivious to the gathering crowd from the street looking in at them. Suddenly realising the crowd were looking at them from the street, they blamed their neighbours' for their behaviour. A boy simply replied:  "so why don't you have curtains?"
This List has no curtains. We're all looking in. So, in my view, more respect and consideration - And Please, Please, Please let us get back to poetry!
Best wishes, Rupert