

I am American but I am anti-America. There are many kind, honest, intelligent and giving Americans in this America that don't fit or agree with what we are told is the "general consensus" of this country.

I don't believe the evils of materialism and consumerism are only being practised in America - I've seen it in action in more countries than I care to think about - which tells me it is more a flaw of the human character than the influence of one country on the rest of the world.

Historically those that are stronger or more civilized have always used  power and influence to put forward their agendas. We need only turn to the example of Britain  150 years ago - how many countries were colonized to gain control over raw goods and territory for the glory of Empire and the material wants and needs of  her English subjects???

Can the current world events be blamed on one or two individuals (Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair) or truly one country for that matter?  I don't think so.  I believe those that profit world-wide in wealth and power from the  greed of human nature and the need for people to feel safe in their insulated daily lives are responsible for what  is happening.

Until human beings can learn  respect for each other, the environment and to be content in their daily lives and with the resonable comforts that life could afford everyone were it not for the need of so many to have "more" than the next person - I'm certain 150 years on people will be blaming, if not America, another country for the deplorable state of world affairs.


J. E. Steele