


>  >>Money?  You mean some people actually get money for these activities?
>  >>Poetry, writing, painting, music.....?  Good heavens above.

Well, surely you're not, with however delicate an irony, suggesting
that only booksellers and the like should profit from poetry? As a
taxpayer of many years standing, I retain the right to curiosity as
to why, of all the spondulicks I've selflessly had extracted from me
over the years to fund the Irish Arts Council, not a penny has ever
gone to support the SoundEye Festival.

It is, after all, by far the most enterprising literary festival in
the southern part of Ireland these days, even if their lineup is
sometimes a little suspect. I gather we're to expect some Cambridge
toff, name of Riley, to be declaiming to us next summer. Next you
know, he'll be claiming to be Irish!


