

Dear Lawrence

Thanks for this. You make some interesting points, and I've passed your
comments on to Ian Seed, the reviewer. I'm sure he'll be -- something.
Interested,  perhaps. Unless he doesn't understand what you're getting at.

From my own point of view, as the site owner responsible for posting the
review, I'd have to say that I had no trouble understanding what the
review says and means. Also, I actively encourage people who write for me
to be somewhat conversational and discursive (are these the same things?
I'm never  quite sure) - anyway, to write in a style someone recently
described as  "blog-style writing". This doesn't exclude precision, of
course, but it probably allows for less than you might like. It is of
course possible to be very picky about the quotation marks and so on, and
by implication ask for an article twice as long so that everything said is
defined and  explained, but because I understood what Ian meant I figured
a lot of other people would, too. If some claimed not to then I would be
tempted to think they were being purposefully obtuse, or were genuinely
perhaps even a little dim, or were looking for another site and came to
mine by mistake. And I'm sure you're none of these, and neither are my
regular readers, so I'm a little bewildered by your difficulties. Perhaps
I am just good at understanding people who haven't "managed sufficient
command of the language to express ideas." It must be an empathy thing.

With best wishes
