

It seems to me that Suella Postles in Nottingham is doing some very exciting
work. I trust that other museums will be inspired by this.
I hope you find the descendants of George Africanus. It would be interesting
to learn whether they know of their Black ancestor.

Speaking of ancestors: Louise Dyer-Garvey bears an illustrious name. Is she
related to Marcus Garvey?

The various linkages you are involved in should also be a model for other

I worry a little about work on slavery. You may know there is a DCMS-funded
Understanding Slavery project in four museums. I have still not received a
clear response to the questions below:

1. Is this project focussing on the enslavement of Africans, or are other
areas/periods included?

2. If the focus is on Africa, will it describe at some length Africa prior
to the incursion of European slavers?

3. Will there be some attempt to assess the affect on those areas of Africa
from which people were abducted or enslaved by other means, given that those
areas were deprived of their most healthy and active populations?

4. Will there be thorough explication of resistances in Africa, on board
ship, in the Americas and in the UK by Africans residing here, as well as
the White abolitionists?

5. The development of racist ideology, necessitated by the enslavement of

6. The inequalities of Emancipation: £20 million to the slaveowners, nothing
to the Freed?