

Judge Simon wrote:

> Hullo.
> I am after software resources for single switch access that is 'appropriate'
> for adults... Most of the stuff I know is for children and seems a bit
> inappropriate to ask a demotivated adult to do.  It also needs to be not to
> dull (i.e. chess, solitaire etc...) I'm thinking space invaders and... er,
> well, i'm stuck.
> I specifically want single switch cause-effect kind of level... The single
> switch scanning end of things is easier, since we can make scanning grids to
> control music etc (though ideas at all points of spectrum would be
> useful)...
> Any ideas?
> Cheers
> Simon
> Clinical Scientist
> 0121 627 1627 ex 53245

I've found that there are several difficulties with commercial cause and
effect software:
There is never enough of it
There is never enough of the right type
It costs.

I do find that most cause and effect software is too subtle (animation/
music is not obvious enough and so on and obviously not age appropriate
for our students (Post 16 and Post 19)
I create almost all of single input accessible software in multimedia
authoring programs.
You can create age appropriate software, using music and pictures that
they respond to and that some have chosen (so they can become creators
in addition to users)

Powerpoint (XP) using a switch as a mouse click for single access software
For more advanced access software I usually use Opus (from Digital
Workshop) which has several advantages over Powerpoint.

You can even create multimedia scanning grids in Opus. The advantage
that Opus has over all the grid creation programs is that in Opus can
have absolute control over the timing of events, pages/slides opening
and closing.

Some ideas and write ups are on the school website,
the direct url is

Richard Walter
ICT co-ordinator
Meldreth Manor school and college.

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