

Dear all,

My e-mail is a follow up to Jan's suggestion 
about checking 1998 IWGP meeting website for 
(subfossil) grape morphology.

I found lots of well preserved grape pips, along 
with numerous charred grains of cultivated barley 
and wheat etc., on Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana 
Moor) in Central Slovenia. The pips varied quite 
substantially in their sizes and shape, so I used 
Stummer's index (although I was aware about its 
unreliability) to learn more details about the 
distribution of their variety. The index 
suggested that the majority of pips show 
characteristics of wild grapes (Vitis vinifera 
ssp. sylvestris), although a few of them fall 
into a category of cultivated species. The result 
was expected since the radiocarbon date of the 
pips is app. 4780 uncal BP (-the oldest evidence 
for vine in Slovenia-) and corresponds to dates 
of artefacts that place the settlement/pile 
dwelling, where the pips were recovered, into 
Eneolithic period.

In any case, I wonder what would be other 
approaches that can be used for distinguishing 
among different types of grape pips. I looked at 
the suggested website, but couldn't find enough 
information on some references that I would like 
to read - for example papers by Ruth Pelling and 
Marijke van der Veen, by Daničle Martolini and 
Christiane Jacquat, and by Mordechai Kislev. Thus 
I would like to ask if somebody can provide more 
details about them and/or related papers, or any 
other ideas concerning grape seeds/pips 
identification. I would also appreciate the 
advice on how to get older papers, such as 
Facsar (1970; 1973) and Terpó (1976; 1977).

Thank you very much and best regards,


At 03:14 AM 11/4/2004, you wrote:

>Dear all,
>I remember that in the 1998 IWGP meeting in 
>Toulouse there was plenty of discussion about
>See by 
>Delwen Samuel, with a section on grapes, stating
>"The taxon of the meeting was grape."
>Jan Bastiaens
>Flemish Heritage Institute
>Koning Albert II-laan 19 bus 5
>B-1210 Brussel
>tel ++ 32 2 553 18 32
>fax ++ 32 2 553 16 55
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Marjeta Jeraj, PhD
Department of Botany, Center for Climatic Research
University of Wisconsin - Madison
430 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706

tel.: (+1) 608 262 2279
fax: (+1) 608 262 7509
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