

Dear all,

I'm trying to find suppliers of soft round ended tweezers. We used to
use these at MoLSS and now I'm freelance I'd like to get a stock for
myself and to use with children. One of my freelance jobs is teaching a
"Pongs and Potions" module of an Archaeological Detectives session for
Medway Children's University. We all get messy exploring ancient plant
crafts and I slip in some work using student microscopes to introduce
them to archaeobotany. I've tried making soft tweezers out of drinks
cans. These work but aren't ideal. At MoLSS we found the round ended
tweezers didn't buckle at the point like the pointed end ones.

If any of you know of people who supply such things do let me know. I've
got large tweezers but they are only good for sorting residues.



Lisa Gray MSc,
Freelance Archaeobotanist
89 St. John's Rd, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8EN, U.K.
01795 590603
07812928697 "associates"