

PSI is holding an introductory course in Pharmacokinetics in Reading, UK 
on February 9-10, 2005 in association with Simcyp Limited.

The course gives an introduction to aspects of the fate of drugs in the 
body in the context of drug discovery, development and therapeutic usage. 
A workshop component will complement the theoretical considerations. This 
will provide experience in solving numerical problems relating the time 
course of drugs and their metabolites in the body to the development of 
rational dosage guidelines. 
The course presenters are:
Geoff Tucker, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Sheffield 
& Chairman, Simcyp Limited  
Amin Rostami - Hodjegan, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacokinetics, University 
of Sheffield & Director of Scientific Development, Simcyp Limited

Applications are welcomed from statisticians and others who are interested 
in learning about this area of drug development, but all delegates must be 
members of PSI in order to attend. If you are not a PSI member and wish to 
attend the course, you must apply for membership of PSI and this must be 
approved before the course takes place. PSI application forms are 
available at, from whom an application form for the course 
and further details are also available. The course cost is £710 ex VAT.
The closing date for all course applications is 9 January 2005. 

Please respond via the course link on the PSI website: 