

The Royal Statistical Society would like to invite you to attend the above event for which there are still places.

The programme is aimed primarily at teachers (teachers of Statistics and those who teach data handling/Statistics within other disciplines - at all levels). It will also be of real interest to all those involved in developing the curriculum, materials/resources and in considering wider teaching methdolody and the strategic development of the discipline. You may be a student, a parent interested in progress made in this field, or someone working in an organisation involved in generating similar projects. If you would like to come along to discuss the impact of the AtSchool activities thus far, share your thoughts and perhaps the scope for collaboration, we would be delighted to see you there. 

The Royal Statistical Society would like to invite you to attend
The At School Experience
Wednesday, 8th December 2004
1400 to 1600 hrs
(Refreshments will be served at 1600 hrs)


The Royal Statistical Society 
12 Errol Street
London EC1Y 8LX

(nearest underground stations are: Barbican, Old Street, Moorgate and Liverpool Street)

The At School projects feature real data about real people!

Do Students like Mathematics Lessons?
Can you react as fast as a 14-year old?
What is your favourite Harry Potter character?

Professor Neville Davies, RSS Centre for Statistical Education
Doreen Connor, RSS Centre for Statistical Education
Emma Knights, Upper Avon School, Wiltshire
Deborah Stanley, Rainham Mark Grammar School, Kent

The above presenters will discuss teacher and pupil experiences with taking part in these projects and: 
        *       explore the range of resources and activities available
        *       report how other countries' experiences have enabled students to improve their data handling and statistics skills
        *       give examples of classroom practice that develop students' ability to think statistically
        *       ask you for new ideas/suggestions to further enhance the projects.

The talk will be useful for all teachers who are interested in promoting good practice in statistics, not just from schools, but from Higher Education as well. The benefit that today's school students get from their real data experiences in school will help them in higher education as well.
We look forward to seeing you on the day and would encourage you to pre-register by contacting: Debra Hurcomb at the RSS on: Tel: 020 7614 3934 or E-mail: [log in to unmask] If you would like to receive some further information on the projects in advance of the event, details will be shared by return.