

Dear All,
 Apologies that the date of Toby Lewis's talk this term was wrong in my earlier post of details of forthcoming seminars. Apologies for any inconvenience this has created. Correct details below.
  Bill Browne.

University of Nottingham
School of Mathematical Sciences

Statistics and Probability Seminars, Summer 2004

Thursday 13th May 4.00pm
Toby Lewis (University of East Anglia)
"Wrapped distributions as models for directions in the plane"

It is well known that the von Mises distribution for circular data is close to the wrapped normal and wrapped Cauchy distributions. The talk will be concerned with some further results in this area. 

Dr William Browne                   work phone : (0115) 9514940 
Lecturer in Statistics                home phone : (0115)9513373
Mathematical Sciences           mobile : (0779) 1577701 
University of Nottingham         (Note this no. is also new) 
University Park                        E-mail : [log in to unmask] 
Nottingham NG7 2RD 
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