

ESRC Social Research Methods Festival
St Catherine’s College, Oxford, 1 - 3 July 2004

On Thursday 1 July five projects funded by the ESRC’s flagship Method’s
Programme will be reporting their research on modelling complex processes.
These include the importance of modelling error variance and covariance
structures when examining (possibly) reciprocal effects (Peter Smith,
Southampton); addressing the problem of endogeneity in estimating area
effects (Simon Burgess, Bristol); multilevel multiprocess models for
partnership and childbearing event histories (Fiona Steele, Institute of
Education); methods for studying families and family effects: the
systematic assessment of research designs and data analytic strategies (Jon
Rasbash, Institute of Education and Tom O’Connor, Institute of Psychiatry);
and multilevel models with missing data (James Carpenter, LSHTM).

Other sessions include new directions in multidimensional analysis and
methods of analysis for international comparisons. A number of debates will
be taking place, for example on the role of trials in policy
assessment; ‘Causality’ with exchanges between statisticians, economists,
sociologists and also policy makers. All sessions have plenty of time for
questions and discussion.

More information on the Research Methods Programme, directed by Angela
Dale, can be found at: