



NO 1:     Wednesday, May 5th 2004, at 12:00 pm

What are 'the' residuals for the linear model?

Professor John Haslett
Trinity College, Dublin

We consider taxonomy of residuals for the linear model  Y = X ? + ?
where  ? ~ N (0,V).  This model includes classical multiple regression
with correlated errors, but it also covers models for multivariate,
spatial and/or time series data as well as random coefficient and
'mixed' models. Indeed its solution is very closely related to that of
the much wider class of models that can be addressed through Generalised
Estimating Equations. Despite the rather fundamental nature of the
question and the maturity of the literature, and in contrast to the
situation where V is diagonal, there is no single answer.

Nevertheless the question is almost never addressed in the literature.
There is typically an implicit assumption that the author and the reader
instinctively share the same definition. In time series the underlying
innovations provide the usual basis. In classical regression the
'distance from the line', being also based on the underlying random
errors, is normal. In spatial work the cross-validation residual seems
to be the standard. Are these the basically the same? Do issues arise in
regression with auto-correlated errors, or in multi-level models, or
where there is more than one source of random variation or where the
where the random variation is multivariate?

We propose a taxonomy and draw attention to three quite distinct types
of residual: the marginal residual, the conditional residual and the
innovation residual. We discuss the differences and the
interrelationships. The conditional residual in particular is much
under-appreciated despite being the natural starting point for deletion
diagnostics in particular.

Venue:  Room 115 Computer Science, Third Floor, MacKay Building, Keele
University  -  All welcome!!

Janet Drewery
Centre for Medical Statistics
Mathematics Department
MacKay Building
Keele University
Keele, Staffs  ST5 5BG

Tel:      (01782) 583269
Fax:     (01782) 584268
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