

Dear All,

Here is the programme for the MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminar Series
(Cambridge, UK).

                    Autumn Term 2004

19th October
Combining frequentist and Bayesian considerations in order to determine the
size of a phase II clinical trial
Professor John Whitehead, Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research
Unit, The University of Reading.

16th November
The epidemiology of bias in systematic reviews and its implications for
evidence synthesis
Dr Jonathan Sterne, Department of Social Medicine, Univeristy of Bristol.

7th December
The analysis of hospital infection data using mechanistic models.
Ben Cooper, Health Protection Agency, London.

Seminars start at 2.30pm in the Large Seminar Room, 1st Floor, Institute of
Public Health, University Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge, UK. Tea and
cakes are served afterwards.

All are welcome to attend.

Further information is available from Angela Wood, email:
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