

Dear Allstaters,

I hope some of you are interested in a Leeds/Bradford RSS Local Group
meeting to be held in Leeds this Friday. Please note that there is also
a Departmental Seminar the same afternoon - all welcome to both. Maps
and direction are at the very bottom of this email.

Regards, Robert.
Dr Robert G. Aykroyd,
Hon Secretary, RSS Leeds/Bradford Local Group,
Department of Statistics, University of Leeds, LEEDS, LS2 9JT, UK.

Department of Statistics Seminar:
Friday 5th March, 2004, 2.15-3.15pm [Maths Room J]
Joe Whittaker (University of Lancaster)
Partial quantile regression

Leeds/Bradford RSS Local Group meeting
Friday 5th March, 2004,
Graham Upton (University of Essex)

The Measurement of Rainfall (and how not to drown in the resulting data)

We take rainfall measurements for granted: "25 cm fell in half an hour"
seems like a simple statement. But where did this happen?  At a single
point? Over the whole of England? We are told that a month has been
"the wettest on record" - but is this true for an entire region and how
do we know? This talk will explain how rainfall is currently assessed,
and how it may be assessed in the future. The difficulties lie in
understanding the space-time information implicit in the data that are
collected.  There will be rather few formulae, but quite a few pictures!

The Meeting will be in LT14 Roger Stevens Building on the main campus
of the University of Leeds, starting at 4pm, with refreshments from
3:30pm on Level 9 in the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.

RSS Leeds/Bradford Local Group
Map showing the School of Mathematics
Map showing the University of Leeds