

How did they know that the aborted foetus is a normal 46 XY so quickly, if amniocentesis has just been done? I can only assume that karyotyping of amniotic cells has such an ultrafast turnaround time, well done!!
Best wishes to All

"Colley, Michael" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I have just received the following letter from one of our obstetricians:

"I am not sure if you are keeping a record of problems with triple
screening. This is to report that Mrs. X. has just had an amniocentesis for
a 1:100 screen positive test only then to miscarry a normal infant, 46 XY."

I have (perhaps not quite so) gently pointed out to him that 99 people with
a 1 in 100 risk will have normal pregnancies, and have asked "where's the

Do our clinical colleagues understand the meaning of any of the tests
they're doing?

A Happy Christmas to All.


Dr. C. M. Colley
Consultant Chemical Pathologist
Great Western Hospital
Marlborough Road
Swindon SN3 6BB
01793 604996
[log in to unmask]

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Dr. M A Al-Jubouri
Consultant Chemical Pathologist

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