

i think the DoH should give an annual prize of £1m for waiting list 
inititives in the PP sector for the PCT which makes the first decision in a 
New Year before the first Cuckoo. that'll get them interested.

>From: Richard Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: GP-UK <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: First to Opt-out?
>Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 21:14:24 +0000
>Well done
>Our PCT is deadly Dudley (Dead ugly drooping leaden empty yards- Hey
>that describes the Black Country as well. What a suprise).
>If the deadline is 31/12/04 then they will achieve it by 31/03/05. No
>that is not a typo
>Violent patient policies should have been in place by 01/02/04. They
>arn't. So what is any one doing about it. Sweet FA. How come, we have
>deadlines we have to meet, but PCTs can ignore deadlines with impunity.
>Is that fair, transparent and honest. Is it hell, but the DoH, GPC and
>BMA don't seem to care.
>So how do the rest of us get actions before the stated deadlines?
>Richard Johnson
>Paul Caldwell wrote:
>>Our PCT, East Yorkshire, has just confirmed unofficially that we will be
>>able to full opt-out from 1st May. Is this a record?
>>Keep up with high-tech trends here at "Hook'd on Technology."
>Sent from one of the networked Linux Desktops of
>Dr Richard Johnson

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