

(For info.)

Forthcoming bi-lingual volume:

RUTH SEIFERT (ED.), Gender, Identitaet und kriegerischer Konflikt. Das 
Beispiel des ehemaligen Jugoslawien, Lit Publishers Muenster, Germany, April 
2004. (Gender, Identity and Armed Conflict. The Example of the Former 
Yugoslavia) - bi-lingual volume

RUTH SEIFERT, Einleitung: Identitaet, Gender und kriegerischer Konflikt 
(Introduction: Identity, Gender and Armed Conflict) 

SVETLANA SLAPSAK, Gender and War in the Post-Socialist World

VLASTA JALUSIC, Victimization of the Nation as Pre- and Post-War Identity 

MARINA BLAGOJEVIC, Conflict, Gender and Identity: Conflict and Continuity in 

NATALIJA BASIC, Kampfsoldaten im ehemaligen Jugoslawien: Legitimationen des 
Kaempfens und des Toetens (Combat Soldiers in the Former Yugoslavia: 
Legitimation of Fighting and Killing)

AZRA HROMADZIC, Kriegsvergewaltigungen in Bosnien: Alte und neue 
Erklaerungsansaetze (War Rapes in Bosnia: Old and New Approaches)

MAJA KORAC, Living Ethnicity in Exile: Identity Processes of Refugees from the 
Former Yugoslavia

NITA LUCI, Das "Schweigen der Frauen": Genderkonstruktionen und 
Genderdynamiken in Vor- und Nachkriegs-Kosova ("Women´s Silence": Gender 
Constructions and Gender Dynamics in Pre- and Post-War- Kosova)

RUTH SEIFERT, Nachkriegs-Kosovo/a: Diskurse ueber Nation und Gender (Post-War-
Kosovo/a: Discourses on Nation and Gender)

CHRIS CORRIN, Geschlechterverhaeltnisse und Friedensprozess: Gender in der 
Nachkriegs-Rekonstruktion in Kosova (Gender and the Peace Process: Gender in 
Post-War Reconstruction in Kosova)

LYNNE CH. ALICE, Bridging the Gender Gap: Political Culture in Kosovo

CHRISTINE EIFLER, Genderkompetenz und militaerisches Handeln in Krisengebieten 
und Nachkriegsgesellschaften - eine Problemskizze (Outlining the Problem: 
Gender Competence and the Military in War-Torn Regions and Post-War Societies)

ELENOR RICHTER-LYONETTE, Gender: Beobachtungen einer Praktikerin 
internationaler Zusammenarbeit (Gender: Observation of a Practitioner in Post-
War Reconstruction)

Articles with a first German title are written in German

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