

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) is now a
quartertly journal published by World Scientific Publishing. More high
quality papers will be published. Please disseminate the information to all
public sites, institutions, libraries and people who you can reach out to.

******** Call for Papers ***********

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) provides a forum
for practitioners, academics and researchers in Operational Research and
related fields, within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region.

APJOR will place submissions in one of the following categories: General,
Theoretical, OR Practice, Reviewer Survey, OR Education, and Communications
(including short articles and letters). Theoretical papers should carry
significant methodological developments. Emphasis is on originality,
quality and importance, with particular emphasis given to the practical
significance of the results. Practical papers, illustrating the application
of Operation Research, are of special interest and particularly welcome.

APJOR is published quarterly. Language used will be English. Material that
has already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will not
be accepted. All papers will be refereed. Decisions on papers will be made
by the Editors with the advice of the referees.

Manuscripts can be submitted either in triplicate (hard-copy) or in PDF
format (soft-copy) to the Editorial Office. To speed up the refereeing
process, electronic submission of manuscript is preferred.

Editorial Office
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119260
E-mail: [log in to unmask]