

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 12:12:35 +0000, Ahmad Risk <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 09:02:25 -0000, TIM WALTER <TIM.WALTER@GP-
>K81017.NHS.UK> wrote:
>>I am one of the camp that might pay for it...  But it does depend on
>>Mr Granger would let us play with his ICRS data spine.  Interesting to
>>whether the interface will be published and freely available or whether
>>is a closed shop.  If the latter...
>There are 2 issues:
>1. If you are willing to pay for a system 'outside' the tent, if I were
>the vendor of that system, I would make sure you *really* paid.  Puts you,
>the consumer, at a disadvantage.  Simple business and commerce.  i don't
>expect said vendor will say: 2OK, you're really nice people who have
>chosen to pay for my product, therefore, I will give it to you for next to
>2. Your second point is more crucial.  The national spine has become an
>imperative.  If achieving it means breaking some eggs, this government,
>and its Mr Granger will not hesitate for one minute.  Think miners vs
>As we know, most GPs will choose cash self-interest when it comes to it.

I think there is an important difference between us & the miners, Mrs
Thatcher could afford to take on the miners because it was already an
industry in decline; general practice is not dead yet! I don't think the
government has the stomach to take on GPs with an election 18 months away.
I'm not suggesting bloody-minded intratransigence, but we need to stand
our ground for the good of our profession & our patients. The goverment's
plan for IT will not work without our co-operation & I'm sure they know