

Hi Steve,
I don't want to resample the funcs to standard space.  I want to keep them in func space, but I
want them to be aligned to each other.

1. The simplest solution is to register func2 and func3 to func1.  Now you have all three funcs
aligned and in the same space.  The problem with this is that they are all low contrast to noise,
low resolution images and you're almost guaranteed to have a sub-optimal registration.

2. The second solution is to register func1, func2, and func3 to standard and then apply
standard2func1.mat to func2 and func3.  Now they're all aligned to func1.  The problem here is
that we don't want to resample the funcs to standard space then back to func space.

3. The third solution is to register func1, func2, and func3 to standard but set:  -ref func.
Presumably, this should align all three without resampling.  But this is where I ran into problems.
After adding the extra offset to account for FOV, the brains were still not aligned.



>HI - I hate to say it but you almost certainly _don't_ want to be
>resampling the funcs "to" standard space but keeping them in func space,
>for various reasons - what is it you're wanting to do this for?
>Cheers, Steve.
>> I have two func brains that were successfully registered to standard.  I then applied
>> func2standard without resampling.
>> standard FOV=[182 218 182]
>> func FOV=[200 200 93.5]
>> diff  = (func FOV - standard FOV)/2
>>        = [9 -9 -44.25]
>> To adjust for FOV, I added diff to the x,y,z values of the two func2standard.mats.  While
>> they were mostly overlapping, they were off by up to 25 mm.