

The Health Archives Group (HAG) is currently undertaking a review of its
role and structure. HAG was founded in the late 1980s as an informal group
for the discussion of issues common to archivists working in the National
Health Service. It has since developed into a body with a more wide-ranging
membership concerned with archives and records management throughout the
health sector. It now has around 80 members including archivists and
records managers working in the NHS, the Royal Medical Colleges,
professional associations such as the British Medical Association, higher
education and local authority archives which hold health archives, and The
National Archives. HAG meets three times per year and has been active in
other respects including producing a number of publications and in profile-
raising for the sector.

However it has been for some time a cause for concern that HAG remains an
informal group, with no stated aims and objectives or constitution.
Following the distribution of a questionnaire canvassing the opinion of
members on a range of issues, it was decided at our last meeting to
institute a working group to build on the results of this and produce a
report examining in more detail the options for placing HAG on a more
formal footing. This group, which currently consists of Rob Baker (Chelsea
and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trsut), Susan McGann (Royal College of
Nursing), Victoria North (Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust), Catherine Redfern
(The National Archives) and Helen Wakely (Wellcome Trust), will be seeking
to consult widely with stakeholders.

The decision to undertake the review has coincided with the retirement of
Libby Adams as Secretary (and de facto Chair) of HAG. Under the
circumstances, it was decided that a replacement should not be sought
immediately, but rather to consider what posts are required for the Group
as part of the review. In the meantime, administrative matters are being
dealt with by myself.

This information about the review has already been circulated to HAG
members, but I would be very glad to hear from anybody else who might be
interested in contributing in any way, or who has not previously been aware
of the Group and would like to join.

Rob Baker
Health Archives Group

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