

Anne Marie

I think you also need to look at organisations who rely on bequests and
other types of donations and Govt funding but who provide all sorts of
services for people disadvantaged by marginalisation. I wear a reasonable
degree of cynicism but am also of the opinion that there are many people in
the world who genuinely see social justice as something worth working toward
and try hard to deliver services to marginalised groups including people
with a disability. As long as their service goals are aligned with the goals
of the people who use those services, with their ultimate aim being that
they no longer need to exist (as a provider of such services) then such
"charitable" services can serve as allies. It might be interesting to look
at the "vocational" motivation of some of religious organisations who
provide such services. Despite what anyone says, there are some damn good
ones out there "employing" some great people devoted to social justice and
politically astute who serve to maintain the dignity of the people they work

Best regards

Laurence Bathurst
School of Occupation and Leisure Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Sydney

PO Box 170
Lidcombe NSW 1825

Please use home phone or mobile number
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Maria Barile" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: Negative Image

| Anne Marie,
| This is a non academic response to your question.
| without prejudice
| Charities  as a means to solve  social problem is,  for the most part a
| capitalist construction.  Wherein the "victim's"  most "vulnerable" point
| is exploited to call pity on them; this  trigger guilt in others so that
| funds are sent.
| An exchange of some sort (feeling goods by giving monetary to the
| "victims"). This exchanges give illusion  necessary or otherwise, that the
| external individuals are  doing something. In reality the social  problem
| persist and increase.
| With regard to disability it also works in the following way:
| It makes charity organization  rich, and respectable
| Increases self-doubts among those of us who see ourselves (in younger
| paraded as,    "freaks "
| Increases the needs for cure industries  and or  technologies response  on
| how to makes us  "good and normal" or get rid of us.
| Increases society fear of producing more of us.
|  I suggest a good book that gives you better  response than what I
| is " Beyond Ramp.... by Martha Russell
| Maria
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Anne MArie Murphy" <[log in to unmask]>
| To: <[log in to unmask]>
| Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 6:29 PM
| Subject: Negative Image
| > I am currently studying a B.A. in Learning Difficulties at Fife College.
| I
| > have been asked to deliver a presentation on 'The Charity Trap' and
| > although I have researched the subject, I do not want to deliver any
| > projects without, at least, some real representation.  I would be very
| > grateful if I could communicate with disabled people and gather some
| > and valuable information.  I would really like to know what people think
| of
| > charities, how disabled people are portrayed and any input which anyone
| > would like to contribute.  I hope I don't sound patroninsing or silly, I
| am
| > very interested in people and inequalities.  I really want to talk to
| > you.   Thank you for reading this.  Look forward to communicating.
| >
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