

[Apologies for snipping, but I think these two examples illustrate the
core of the argument quite nicely]

Eric said:

> Take the example from
> <dc:rights>Copyright C 2000 O'Reilly &amp; Associates,
> Inc.</dc:rights>
> one may argue this is a "correct" or "incorrect" usage but
> this example
> reflects the kinds of information thats associated with the
> dc:rights
> element in many examples I see on daily basis.
> To me (at least) there is not too far of a stretch to represent the
> unstructured data in the above example in a more explicitly
> structured
> way.
> <dc:rights>
>    <Organization>
>       <name> O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</name>
>    </Organization>
> </dc:rights>

I think the distinction between these two examples is that

- in the former the value of the dc:rights property is a statement (yes,
only an unstructured, human-readable statement but a statement all the
same) that "the copyright in/over the current resource is held by
O'Reilly Associates". The name of an organisation is part of that
human-readable statement but it's not the only part.

- in the latter the value of the dc:rights property is a resource of
type "....#Organization". That's not the same as the first example -
here, the value is the Organization.

I tend to agree with Andy (in fact I came across the CC usage for the
first time yesterday and I asked Andy about it, only to find that he had
already raised exactly the same question a few months back): the latter
seems intuitively, well, a bit odd to me given the current definition of
dc:rights. I agree that "Information about rights held in and over the
resource" is pretty vague, but it does seem a stretch to say that an
Organization _is_ "Information about rights held in and over the

Not sure this is relevant but FWIW I had a quick look at PRISM earlier
on today

and it seems to me their use of dc:rights is rather closer to what I
might have expected. They do include a prism:rightsAgent property but
that is used

- either as a property of the primary resource (i.e. the same resource
as has the dc:rights property) (see their examples 11 and 13)

- or as a property of a resource that is itself the value of dc:rights -
I think! - this isn't clear as their spec describes things very much
from the perspective of the XML tree rather than the graph, and there
isn't an explicit example of this, but I think the last line of the
"Occurs In" paragraph in 5.3.38 means a use something like:


<dc:title>My resource</dc:title>
<dc:rights rdf:parseType="Resource">
   [...other properties of the "rights statement"...]


Anyway, in either case PRISM certainly seems to make an effort to avoid
saying that the value of dc:rights is an Organisation, and that seems to
me more in keeping with the deployments I've seen of dc:rights with an
unstructured literal value - and rather at odds with the CC usage?


Pete Johnston
Interoperability Research Officer
UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
tel: +44 (0)1225 383619    fax: +44 (0)1225 386838
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