

Hi all,

Thought I'd give a quick update on membership here.

There are now 21 of us (ie members of the list), from 5 countries (if members' email address suffixes have been interpreted correctly).  

* Country Subscribers
* ------- -----------
* Australia 3
* Bulgaria 1
* Great Britain 8
* Norway 1
* USA 8
* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 21
* Total number of countries represented: 5

Not bad in three weeks, with virtually no promotion.

I'm thinking - we've done a few introductions, begun getting into a few threads of conversation, started a little advice seeking and giving...  How is this for you?  Anything else you would like to see here?


List membership settings and archives:
List videoconferencing:
List help via e-mail:
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List resources:
To follow...