

Hello, a theme issue of the journal Environment and Planning A on the
topic of Internet geography has just been published. It looks like a good
range of papers.



Theme issue: The dialectics of geographic and virtual space
Environment and Planning A

Guest editors: Yuko Aoyama, Eric Sheppard

Guest editorial
The dialectics of geographic and virtual space Yuko Aoyama, Eric Sheppard

Tethered connectivity? The spatial distribution of wireless infrastructure
Sean P Gorman, Angela McIntee

(Re)solving space and time: fulfilment issues in online grocery retailing
Andrew J Murphy

Sociospatial dimensions of technology adoption: recent M-commerce and
E-commerce developments
Yuko Aoyama

The geographies of online job search: preliminary findings from Worcester, MA
Sarah Niles, Susan Hanson

Chips, bits, and the law: an economic geography of Internet gambling
Mark Wilson

Underground globalization: mapping the space of flows of the Internet
adult industry
Matthew A Zook


martin dodge

cyber geography research
centre for advanced spatial analysis, university college london
gower street, london, wc1e 6bt, united kingdom

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